I have these odd moments where I start thinking of the most unwieldy things. This morning, while I was taking a shower, I was pondering on the wise bodybuilder's rule of not working the same muscle out on a daily basis. I've often questioned this rule; you see farmers going about their work everyday, and while the chores vary from day to day, you can't say that they really change the muscles they work. The same goes for construction workers. But today, these two were not my examples of choice. This morning, while I was bathing, the exception (?) to the one-muscle group per day rule was something far more absurd. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Attila the Hun's invasion of Italy: [Curtain. The lights open to Attila Dragomer, known as flagella dei , gathering his forces at the outskirts of Italy, which was then known as a part of the Roman Empire.] A: Today, we reclaim the hand of Justa Grata Honoria, and she will grace my bed and be a very good wife for my kin...