This is not a story. This isn't even fiction. One of the hardest things to do for a certified night-owl like me is to wake up at four in the morning everyday, take a bath and go to work. Mention me, Martin Cruz, and people will probably tell you that it is a habit of mine to wake up late, get ready late, and arrive late. And they won't be far from the truth. They'll be overdoing it, but that's pretty much an apt description of my habits. However, ever since I got this new position in Stickymedia, I've been relentlessly waking up at the crack of dawn (crack of dawn! so that's why the sun's always high!) and dragging my ass into the bathroom to be bathed by the coldest of mountain waters. Oh, did I mention that I lived at a mountain? And that the air streaming in from the outside at four in the morning leaves tiny droplets of moisture on my towel once I bring it into the house? If water heaters are for wusses, then one day a wuss shall I be. Anyway! This one p...